Monday, November 16, 2015

A trip to Paris France

             What Would I do In Paris,France for a day?

   First I would go to a cute little cafe called Cafe De La Paix
which serves the best croissants and watch all the painters and paint there. Then, I would go see Paris' most famous monument the Eiffel tower and shop till I drop at all the cute boutiques there. 
    Last I would go to the most magical place where dreams come true, DisneyLand. I would ride all the rides and spend whole  day with my family talk about our whole experience in Paris. We would then go back to our hotel Le Meurice and sleep the night away until tomorrow when our adventures begins again.




Saturday, November 7, 2015

Le Meurice

    The Le Meurice is one of Paris' most prized treasures with a rich history. Dating back to 1771 the genius behind the hotel, Mr. Charles-Augstin Meurice,  used his own coaching inn to fly them to Paris ( which back then was a 36 hour flight). He created the second inn in 1817 which was a huge success. Sadly Charles would die three years later at the age of 40 years old. Though the creator had died the hotel was a booming success. Many famous people came like in 1855 Queen Victoria stayed at the hotel.
    In 1905 Arthur Miller (the head of the hotel manegment company) and his director- Mr. Schwenter remodeled the hotel which cost about 8 million dollars. In 1914-1918 the hotel was shut down and turned into a hospital for wounded soilders during WWI. Picasso (the famous painter) and his wife , Olga Kolklova picked Le Meurice as the place for their wedding.
   With a beautiful history and rich design Le Meurice is an amazing hotel and amazing sight to see. (Sight I got the information

Monday, November 2, 2015

5 More French Words Used In The English Language

           5 More French Words Used In the English Language

       à gogo-In abundance.

            Beau geste- Literally “beautiful gesture”, a gracious gesture, noble in form but often futile or meaningless in substance.

            Cliché-Literally negative; trite through overuse; a stereotype.

          Couturier-Fashion designer (usually refers to high fashion, rather than everyday clothes design).
           Déjà vu-“Already seen”: an impression or illusion of having seen or experienced something before.

Five French Words used in the English language

5 French Words Used in the English Language

    Chic -It means stylish in the fashion industry. You have probably heard people reviewing dresses and outfits say this word.

  Ballet -A type of dance. Many Football players do ballet to help with their cordanation.

  Bouquet -A small or large arrangement of flowers. On an anniversary a man/women would give their significant other a bouquet of flowers.
  Genre -A group where books fall in. I love all the genres but my favorite is Historical Fiction.

  Role -A part an actor or actress gets after they adittion. My role in the play was to be Marilyn Monroe.

  Bon voyage -Means "Have a good trip." "Bon voyage mom!" I said as my mom went on her Cruise.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Informational French Greetings and Questions

           Informal french Greetings

             Informational French Greetings

                      Salut (Saw-Loo)-Hi

                        Ça va bien (saw-vaw-bee-en) - I'm fine
                        (Note: Salut and ça va are often used together as in, "Salut! Ça va?")

                         Question Words

  • Combien? (comb-bee-en) - How much?
  • Où? (oo) - Where?
  • Quand? (kond) - When?
  • Quelle/Quel/Quelles/Quels? (kell) - What?
  • Pourquoi? (por-kwah) - Why?
  • Comment? (co mo) - How?

Basic French words

                                                         French Words:
                     Oui/Non (Whee/NO)-Yes/No
                          S'il Vous Plait (See voo play)-Please                                                
                          Parlez-Vous Anglais?(Parlay Vooz On-Glay)-Do you speak English?

                          Merci (Mair-See)-Thank you

                          Voici (Vwah-La)-Here is

                          Derien (Du-Rhee-En)-You're Welcome

                          Je Ne Comprends  Pas (Zhe Nhe Comp-Rehn Pah)-I don't understand?

                         J'ai Besoin D'aide (Zhay Buh-Swahrded)-I need help
                        Excusez-Moi (Escuosay-Mwah)-Excuse Me?
                        Je ne Sais Pas (Zhe-nhe say paw)-I don't know
                       Il Y A ( Eel Ee Aw)-There is

                                    ( I used.


Monday, October 5, 2015

Eiffel Tower

   The Eiffel Tower is an amazing french monument with a fabulous history on how it was made. Today you will know more about one of France's most beautiful treasures the Eiffel Tower.
    Alexander  Eiffel is the man who is behind the Eiffel Tower ( with the help of his workers of course). The magnificent creation was finished in 1889. But it is Maurie Koechlin who came up with idea and design of the Eiffel Tower .The creation was to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the French Revolution. Now the building stands beautiful and tall as it did in 1889 with millions of tourist attractions in the structure who wouldn't love the Eiffel Tower 

    (All the information I got was from the world history website so go check it out thanks!) 


Monday, September 21, 2015

All About Kayla

All about Kayla

One thing about me is that I love Starbucks because Starbucks is bae.
Another thing about me is that I love my cute cat Ciara. She is so adorable! I live with my mom and my brother Andre. My favorite activities are dancing, eating, and sleeping. Hopefully by the end of the year we can get to know more about history.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


My first blog!!!! Can't wait to share my life with you guys.
                   -Kayla Henry